​Please see training schedule for more details.

Guard Card- Initial class - 8 hours
Free for military/law enforcement veterans.
 Please bring proof of Veteran status to class such as VA/MIL id or DD-214.

It's the mandatory class you need to be a security guard in the State of California. 
It's not very exciting. Lots of powerpoint slides. 
Hopefully, I can make it as entertaining as possible for you.

Guard Card 
Mandatory Training Hours
Thirty-two (32) hours of training in security officer skills must be completed within the first six (6) months of registration.

A security guard registrant who is unable to provide their employing PPO the certificates of satisfactory completion of the security officer skills training shall complete 16 hours of the training within 30 days of the registrant’s employment date and shall complete the 16 remaining hours within six months of the registrant’s employment date.

Eight (8) hours of continuing training must be completed annually.
(BPC 7583.6 and California Code of Regulations (CCR) Section 643).

Phase Two Training 
Topics include: Public Relations Observation & Documentation Communication 

Phase Three Training 
Topics include: Communication and its significance, Liability and Legal aspects.

Once your guard card is activated, you have 6 months to knock out 32 hours of training. No matter what. Even if you aren't employed as a guard, you have to do this within 6 months of your guard card being activated.

Once you get HIRED as a guard, you have 30 days to knock out 8 hours and then you have to finish everything else within 6 months.
These are called "elective hours." 
Some companies offer some of this training in-house.

OH! Plus you need to do 8 hours every year you want to keep your guard card active.

Guard Card Elective Classes

8 hour classes
1)Gun card- If you take your armed training within 6 months of receiving your guard card, you can count that class as your 8 hours of elective training.

4 hour classes ($40 each)
  • Officer Safety.
  • Chemical Agents/pepper spray.
  • Arrest, search, seizure, handcuffing.
  • Access control and radio procedures.

   License related classes that also can be used for hours

BSIS Exposed initial training. $180 8 hours. Must have an active guard card for this to count towards training hours.

First Aid/CPR $100- American Red Cross. (must recertify every 2 years)  4 hours.

Baton card $150- Must be taken within 6 months of employment. 4 hours.

BSIS Exposed requal $60 each. 4 hours each. (You have to requal 4 times for your exposed)

Here's the easy path...

1. Take your guard card training. Turn everything in. Wait for your guard card to be active.

2. Get your Exposed Permit. 8 hours.

3. Get your baton permit. 4 hours. (Baton permit doesn't expire)

4. Get first aid certified. 4 hours. (must re-train every 2 years)

5. Get pepper spray trained. 4 hours.

6. Arrest, search, seizure, handcuffing. 4 hours.

7. Access control and radio procedures. 4 hours.

8. Officer safety. 4 hours.

9. Depending on how fast you get your Exposed approved, you might be able to use a renewal for 4 hours instead of a class. Exposed renewals need to happen every 4-6 months.

Every year after that, you have to do 8 hours which would be covered by your exposed permit.

If you don't want to be armed, just substitute armed training with officer safety and access control/radio.

Coming in 2024